The combination of spectacular fundamentals, high valuation, huge accumulated profits and raging momentum is a formula for volatility. Palantir has these characteristics in spades as do other shares like Apploving, GeneDX, Meta Platforms, Spotify and others. Once the profit-taking starts it can be ferocious as leveraged investors especially are forced to sell and momentum investors take profits.
The value investors have their moment to say they told us so but they need to enjoy it while it lasts. It may not be for long. The companies listed above are among the world’s most exciting investments. As their stories continue to unfold their shares will bottom out and start climbing again.
These are companies which are not just growing. Their growth is accelerating. You all know how much I love Palantir. Like Alex Karp, I believe this company is minuscule compared to where it is going.
Share Recommendations
Palantir. PLTR
Applovin. APP
Meta Platforms. META
Spotify. SPOT
You can buy more now, wait for some kind of buy signal, add to your position every month, buy into the decline on every 10pc drop. Whatever you do if I am right about these shares it will work. These are superbly led businesses, just turning profitable and just beginning to tap into the huge opportunities ahead.
Think Bitcoin. It jumps around all over the place but still ends up going a lot higher.